Health Screening
Please Book your Appoinement NowHEALTH SCREENING
Screening tests are tests that identify risk factors in asymptomatic individuals that put them at risk for diseases.
We do a health screening for:
- diabetes
- atrial fibrillation
- obesity
- high blood pressure
- Hiv Aids
- prostate cancer,
- cervical cancer
- high LDL cholesterol.
We also do ECG’s, colonoscopies, etc.
Screening can be life-saving and reduce mortality in the early diagnosis of breast and prostate cancer and in lifestyle diseases such as uncontrolled hypertension and high cholesterol in heart disease which is often asymptomatic.
Health Screening brings awareness to healthy living and lifestyle modification to attain and maintain optimal health. It often gives us the reality we need of where we are physically in order for us to implement the necessary changes to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Call us today and evaluate your health status today
Book your Screening Today
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Let’s prevent complications through early detection. It’s easy, fast and pain free
Schedule an Appointment now.
MON – FRI: 7:00am – Till Late
SAT: 7:00am – Till Late
SUN: Closed